How often have you felt trapped in life? In a relationship whether it be work, personal life or in a circumstance? Coming from trauma or self-doubt this can be toxic in a way that is so self-limiting that we sometimes are blinded by the potential we really all have.
When we forget as individuals that we truly have the power of self-control and choice we loose all opportunity for personal betterment and the keys to opening doors to peace and personal happiness are pushed farther from reach. Allowing people to cloud this knowledge hinders each of us in this pursuit. Every choice, even the choice to refrain from choosing IS a choice, doing nothing IS a choice.
Think for a second about your credentials. Many of us hear those words and think immediately of education or resumes. But, expand that thought - expand this to encompass all that you are qualified to do. What are your skills, qualifications and what are you damn good at? Experience and life skills sometimes isn't valued as much as it should be so much so that educational institutions are popping up all over that are starting to offer credit equivalence for these things. There is a revolution of the recognition that this expertise can't be taught in a classroom or seminar. Own that sh*t!
Constraints of expenses, schedules and social norms force many of us to follow pathways that sometimes lead us down roads that when we finally get to the end, realize the goal isn't what we thought we were hoping for. So why do we stay? Why do we stay in relationships we aren't happy in? Jobs we dislike? Work life balance's that aren't making us happy? Towns we don't find fulfillment in? Living conditions that we aren't satisfied with? Consider for a moment that you aren't taking charge of your credentials.
Did anyone ever say you couldn't create a schedule that you couldn't be happy with? Did anyone say that education ended at a certain point in life?
Questions that you had at one point in life surely someone else has had. New professionals into your field may have questions about your field. New moms may have questions that you have mastered now as a pro-mom. Think of all the things that you can do with your eyes closed, hands tied behind your back or with full hands, coffee cup, handbag, laptop, and wearing high-heels, scrubs, business suit and walking in a snow storm. Someone else somewhere is still trying to figure this out. Can you leverage what you know and make a living sharing those skills?
Progress from pain. How many of us have spent moments in life thinking we would never persevere through our traumas and tragedies? Yet, we made it through? How much of that pain pushes us today and reminds us how much we CAN do? Think of what our scars remind us about our strengths and the lessons we have learned that have made us BETTER. This credential makes you great and could provide an opportunity to a different career, lifestyle, line of work or even a side-gig that not only benefits you but helps someone else push ahead.
We are all made up of not just our education and our "paperwork" but everything that has made us who we are today. Never settle for a life or circumstance that doesn't make you as happy as you deserve to be. Put ALL of your credentials to work - your years of perseverance through trauma, hours of sleepless nights of crying babies, decades of mastering how to study to get those degrees, learning your industry, becoming top of the game on how to play the game. Take charge of your credentials and design the life you want. Always Time for That Sh*t! #ATFTS.